Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 1 Recap

We got in a total of 5 games, and everybody got to play at least 1.  There wasn't a big push for a second game from anybody as the 3 scrip from Pit Fight gave everybody enough wiggle room with purchase.  Standings so far

Player Wins Loses Ties Weekly Scrip Earned
Brody 2 0 1 16
Chad, Screwer of the Pooch 1 0 1 9
Joe, Turn Four Turtle 1 2 0 13
Ty, 1 Scrip > Preventing a win 0 1 0 9
Ricky 0 1 0 10

Week 1: Feed Me Seymour vs The Nervous Nellies

Greetings and salutations!  Welcome to another battle report for week one of Malifaux greatness. 

Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: Plant Explosives, Spring the Trap, Assassinate, Breakthrough
Deployment: Flank

(Editor's note: We played 2 games at my house on Tuesday.  The main table has one of the games, and I set up a second folding card table for the 2nd game.  The card table is 34.5" by 34.5", so it is slightly too small for the board, not to mention cards, drinks, markers, etc.  Plus, it is about 2 inches lower than the big table.  We flipped to see who got to play on the bigger table, Joe beat me)
Ty and and I sat down at the big boy table.  Man, we had so much space.  You know that feeling.  Flying coach for so long, couped up back by the galley or worse, the shitter.  Then you get bumped up to first class.  So much room for activities.  We even let the other two use some of our space.  Although I think Ty might have had some of Chad's beer.

First turn was uneventful.  Ty's Strongam Suit and Freikopsmann (I think) headed off one way, towards the side of the map.  Hanna moved up a skoche and went defensive. Katrina moved up next to Hanna and Student of Conflict just hung out where she started.  Most of my crew moved up towards the center.  Two illuminated began flanking.  The Depleted and Hungering Darkness went straight up the center.  I am going to have to talk to this Beckoner though.  She did NOT do her job this game.  I was upset.  But also, every time she tried to Lure the Strongam Suit...the next turn...Ty would use 1 AP to move the Suit exactly as if he had been lured...had he not cheated to win and stop the Beckoner.  This happened 2 or 3 times.

Turn Two shots were fired, casts were struck.  A little bit of damage here and there on the front lines.  We each get 1 VP for Turf War and Ty gets 2 VP for Spring the Trap.

Turn Three, things started to really get good.  The Depleted and Hungering Darkness moved in after my Illuminated sprayed Brilliance over Hannah.  This helped take her down...or so I thought.  Ty dropped a Soulstone and flipped high, preventing 3 damage.  Not as dead as I thought.  Some slight tactical movement from our other troops and swings (and some damage) were taken on the Illuminated and Depleted.  Katrina dies, no injury.  Ty was also able to take down Hungering Darkness.  No injury.  Ty reveals Assassinate for 3 VPs.  I swing some more at Hannah with another save from Ty.  At the end of the turn, we dropped Guild Guards.  I thought it was at the end of turn 3.  This is more than I can say for what happened on the kiddie table.  We each get 1 VP for Turf War again.

Turn Four, Ty won initiative and killed the Depleted.  No injury.    I thought about turtl'ing at this point.  Instead, the Illuminated took out Hanah, AGAIN.  I reveal Assassinate for 3 VPs.  Strongam Suit decides to get up in the other Illuminated's face and conveniently places himself between me and a close Guild Guard.  The Illuminated takes a couple of great swings and knocks a bit of health off the Suit.  The Beckoner uses an 1 AP to shove her base contact Guild Guard 6" so that they both will be attacking the Suit at the end of turn.  Damage to the Suit from the Guards.  No damage from the other ones, also attacking Ty's crew.  I get 1 VP for Turf War.

Turn Five and Ty won initiative.  We both start calculating points.  Against the kiddie tables' advice, Ty does not defer initiative.  Student moves up and gets killed.  Strongam Suit perishes.  And Ty earns his new title "1 Scrip > Preventing a Win" by choosing to kill a second Guard instead of locking down the other Illuminated.  I move up and drop a Scheme for Breakthrough.  I get a VP for Turf War and one VP for Breakthrough.  I win 8 to 7.

Turn Four Turtle Thoughts:
  • It was a great game.  Malifaux IS a great game.  I'm getting the hang of Brilliance timing.  Not getting the hang of when to get Hungering Darkness into the fray without him perishing before his heal.
  • Models with Armour +2 should be banned, that's bullshit Ty.  Also Lazarus Hannah is crazy.  The Nellies were a lot of fun to play against.  It's extremely funny to me that we each had a crew member (Beckoner and Student) move ONLY in the last round of the game. 
  • Terrain placement was great, thanks for having that setup Brody.

Week 1: MC Hammer and the Pyros vs Trixie’s TnA

Hello gentlemen and welcome to another episode of “The Battle Report©”
Before we get into the report though, I would like to take a moment to update our readers on some ancillary things that happened last night.
First, I used my dictatorship like powers to declare a new rule (or more specifically a redefining of a previous rule).  Given how well Chad’s last battle report was, I decided to abandon the current “naming convention” that I had suggested in favor of a new one.  Every time you write a battle report, you get to bestow 1 title.  You can give that title to yourself or your opponent, it is your choice.  That title then remains for the rest of the campaign.  I do regret not thinking of this earlier, as Jojobear, Turn Four Turtle, First of His Name, and Ricky would each have another title.  Oh well.
Second, after the matches we flipped for next week’s events (in case there was some setup or research that we would need to do).  I flipped a black joker, which means finished off flips can’t be cheated!!!  With that, you need to flip again, so I flipped the Carnivourous Plants one.  Suck city.
But onto the game!
This report’s matchup features MC Hammer and the Pyros vs Trixie’s TnA in a pitched battle. 
Things started poorly when I was bested by Turn Four Turtle in the battle for the big table.  Not only did I have the shame of playing on a smaller table, that was 2 inches lower than the big table, but I also sat right by the fridge so I was the beer biatch the entire night.  But I’m not bitter…
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Bodyguard, Deliver a Message, Breakthrough, Entourage
Deployment: Normal
Turn 1:  Chad wins initiative with some shenanigans and lets me go first.  There is some move and grooving, and a stuffed pig dies (and is injured!), but nothing too exciting.  We each move our forces out, with one of Chad’s Taxidermists heading behind the building on the west side of the board.  I have my 3 mages off to the side, with the gunsmith and the Captain coming up the middle.  Chad has his forces a little more spread out across the map. 

Turn 2: Chad wins initiative with some shenanigans and we are off to the races.  He uses the Whiskey Golem to charge up and take out a mage, then scoots back into the middle of the table.  My gunsmith moves up a bit to take a shot at Trixie (I think), Chad summons a pig to cause trouble with the remaining two mages, I kill said pig, Chad moves his taxidermist completely behind the building on the west side, and Trixie moves up do some pushing around.  The turn ends with what I thought was going to be a majestic move by the Captain.  He uses his 8 inch charge and 3 inch melee range to charge the Whiskey Golem.  Being a construct, the Captain gets ++ to the damage flip.  I have 1 card left in my hand and Chad is top-decking.  First attack is a hit.  The ++ makes it a positive flip, which I cheat in the RED JOKER! to do a total of 9 damage.  How many wounds does the Golem have you ask?  9!  Woohoo.  But wait one sec intrepid readers, why isn’t the Whiskey Golem dead?  Armor +1?  CRAP!  With no cards left in my hand, the Captain fails the TN 15 willpower check and he is poisoned and his activation is over.  We each score 1 VP from Turf War.
Brody – 1, Chad – 1
Turn 3: Chad wins initiative, but I get to pull the shenanigans this time.  Chad flips a 6 and I flip a 3.  He starts to take his turn before I remind him that I can soulstone to reflip my initiative.  He can cheat initiative out of his hand, but has to decide before I use my SS.  He cheats in a Jack, which is awesome because I had no intention of reflipping.  Take that Trixie!  His 1st activation is to use the Golem’s nimble ability to walk into base contact with the Captain and Deliver a Message (stupid armor!).  Chad scores 3 VP.  The mages take care of some more pig stuff, and Chad uses his two taxidermists to give slow to a mage and the gunsmith.  The Gunsmith moves up behind cover with his one AP.  Trixie comes up to damage him a bit, but he gets Fast out of the deal for the next activation and is saved only because he is hard to kill.  So he remains with 1 wound left.  The Captain activates last and charges Trixie.  Without cards to cheat with, his 2 attacks are misses, and he uses his 3rd AP to swing and miss at the Golem who has 1 HP remaining.  We each score 1 VP from Turf War.
Chad – 5, Brody – 2
Turn 4: Chad wins initiative with some shenanigans.  Trixie, the Golem, The Captain, and the gunsmith are all right around the center marker.  In a crucial turning point of the game, Chad activates Trixie and attempts to push the captain away (out of melee range so that she can attack and kill the Gunsmith).  She takes a damage to get an extra AP.  3 AP later, the captain is still in melee range.  She uses her 4th and final AP to throw burning +8 onto the gunsmith guaranteeing his death at the end of the round.  Somewhere in here, one of chad’s taxidermists die, and he uses the other taxidermist to kill a mage.  Sadly, that mage was the object of my Bodyguard scheme so I score no points from that.  The gunsmith uses his Fast AP to walk into base contact with Trixie and Deliver a Message, scoring me 3 VP before his candle burns out.  My other mage finishes off the Golem.  I score a VP from Turf War*. 
Brody – 6, Chad – 5
Turn 5: At this point, Chad has 2 pigs, a taxidermist, and Trixie.  I have The Captain and 1 Mage. Chad wins initiative with some shenanigans.  At this point, I realize that the only way Chad can win is if he has taken Bodyguard or Entourage with the remaining Taxidermist.  Given how he ran up the side of the board and stayed out of the fray, I think it is likely that he has done exactly that.  Thankfully, instead of keeping the Captain in melee range, or activating the Taxidermist first and running him far away to safety, Chad, Screwer of the Pooch, chooses to activate Trixie and try to shoot the captain.  He is successful in putting some damage on him, but ends up just pushing the captain out of engagement range.  I activate the captain, Charge the taxidermist and kill him with my 3rd AP.  Chad ineffectually blows up some pigs and the turn ends.
Brody – 6, Chad – 5
I flip an 11, and on we play.
Turn 6: The captain charges Trixie and does some damage, but she is able to kill him off.  The Mage comes in and finishes Trixie off and is the lone combatant on the battle field at the end of the game.
So with that, Brody wins 6 to 5…
OR DOES HE!?!?!?!?
While writing up this report, I realized an error that I made during the game.  At the end of turn 4, Chad had to remind me to apply burning to the gunsmith.  I had already started to shuffle my cards and had done all of the end of round book-keeping, including giving myself a VP for Turf War.  The Gunsmith was one of the 2 people I needed to score that, and the burning would kill him before the strategy is checked, so I shouldn’t have scored a point.  And so, the game should have ended in a tie, 5-5.  That is how I will put it in the spreadsheet.  Luckily I had already written this report, so the Screwer of the Pooch will just have to live with it
Chad's pig suffered a wound that lets the opponent push him 6 inches after the 1st initiative flip.

Somewhere around Turn 4, I look over to the big table and ask what turn those guys are on.  They reply that they are ending turn 2.  From a casual glance, it looks as though they have moved their models a combined 7 inches.  I am not sure exactly what the hell was going on over there.
Just when I think I am really starting to round out my knowledge of the rules, I get something as simple as defensive stance wrong.
I lucked out with this game.  If Chad would have been able to push the captain away in turn 4 (or pushed the gunsmith instead), he would have won.  If he would have run the Taxidermist away, he would have won.  He did a fantastic job shutting down the 3 mages with mainly just the 1 taxidermist.  The fact that I couldn’t kill the Golem and let him hang around for 2 extra turns hurt as well.

Week 1: Trixie's TnA vs Feed Me Seymour

That's right, boys, the Gremlins finally won one!  Admittedly by the skin of their rotten yellow teeth, but a win is a win. So without further adieu, I give you your battle report:

Trixibelle's Team T&A (Taxidermy & Alcohol) vs. JoJo's Brilliant DooDoo Monster People

Set up:
We draw Reconnoiter with corner deployment. Schemes are Line in the Sand, Murder Protege, Assassinate, Bodyguard and Entourage. JoJo reveals Murder Protege with the only eligible target being the Whiskey Golem. Chad reveals nothing. 

Turn one:
This is how we look going into turn 1:
You can't see Joe's guys cuz they're hiding behind that Nekima box, uh, I mean, accurately represented building.  FYI just seeing a picture of Nekima was enough to send dread crawling up my spine (Editor's note:  We played a 5 week truncated capaign before this one and Joe had Nekima as his Hencemen.  She was a beast and killed nearly everything). Nice psychological play, Bear!  Turn one is nothing but positioning. I was worried with Whisky Pete being a scheme target so I tried to keep him from being a first turn target and marched him along the table edge. So exciting. 
End of turn one: 
Chad 0 JoJo 0 

Turn two:
  My forces are split (trying to set up for Reconnoiter) and Joe has a ball of brilliance right in the middle of the table so I decide to try some Stuffed Pig Shenanigans(Tm) and double walk my little ball o dynamite right into the middle of three or four models. Joe attacks and kills it triggering the bomb and all his models take a couple damage. Smelling blood, I risk running a taxidermist out from cover, and summon another pig off the corpse of the first one. Joy!  He pays the price however by getting shot in the face by the Illuminated, then charged and murdered by the PoopMonster. The summoned pig then pops his own cork and damages the same models again for a couple more damage to everything and the smell of bacon was becoming intoxicating.  JoJo's dudes were tied down with the pigs most of that turn so they didn't move much and I managed to position my remaining enough to score for the strategy.  Guild Guards hit the table. 
End of turn 2: 
Chad 1 JoJo 0
Total summoned stuffed piglets: 1
Total exploded piglets: 2

Turn three:
*That corpse in the middle was frequently re-piggified. 
JoJo activates the Beckoner and she lures the second taxidermist closer in an attempt to stop the pig summoning treadmill. It actually helped me because luring him close got him in range to summon another pig off the corpse of the previous and then run away to the safety of the whisky golem's loving arms. Joe kills that pig with his Illuminated and this time I get 4 damage off on the bomb. Still no dead Joe models and I'm beginning to realize these guys are pretty resilient. The Illuminated heals up a bit but Trixibelle manages to finish him off with her gun. Whiskey then kills a guard for one scrip. I'm down to three models and Joe denies me two board quarters while scoring his own VP. Also a Guild Guard shot up Joes PoopMonster a bit. 
End of turn 3:
Chad 1 Joe 1
Total summoned stuffed piglets: 2
Total exploded piglets: 3

Turn 4 
This is a super fun and game-defining turn!  Watch and see!!

Attempting to finish off the last Taxidermist, Joe moves the depleted into melee but whiffs. With my first return attack, Taxi gets the Depleted to one HP and triggers a corpse marker. Second attack finishes him off and that triggers an instant stuffed pig!  Then his 0 action makes a second pig from the first corpse marker!  Two pigs summoned in one activation from the same enemy!  My crowning achievement!  My game highlight is matched if not exceeded, however, by an amazing error from the Bear:  He asks  "this is turn 4 right?"  I say yes.  He kills the Guard in base contact then he runs the PoopMonster straight away from everything into the far corner of the board.  I'll come back to this in a bit.   I shrug and move Whiskey across the board using Trixie pushes and nimble into combat with the Beckoner. If I can kill her, I'll score another Reconnoiter VP. First attack gets her down to one HP, second attack hits and the damage is: Black Joker!  Yay. 
Turn 4 ends with neither of us getting a single VP.  Joe then says "ok lets flip to see if the game is over"  "Joe, it's just now turn 5 coming up, we don't flip yet."  This is what I saw when I looked up at Joe's face:
So that's why he ran the leader away. Stupid, Stupid Joe. I would like to take this opportunity to bestow upon our dear old bear, the first title of the campaign:  the prestigious "Turn Four Turtle"
End of turn four:
Chad 1 Joe 1
Total summoned stuffed piglets: 4!
Total exploded piglets: 3
Total Foolish Bears: 1

Turn 5
Whiskey finishes off the Beckoner then hauls back to the far side to secure a board quarter. Joe positions the last Illuminated to attempt a shot to finish of the Taxidermist and fails. Trixie adds insult to injury and lures the Poop all the way back as far as possible and gives him slow.  Here's the scene:
Yeah that's him wayyy back in the south corner. Stupid, stupid Joe. 
Taxidermist makes a final piglet which blows up on the Illuminated for little effect. I scored a Reconnoiter and we flip and the games ends. 

End of turn 5, final score 
Chad 2   Joe 1
Total summoned stuffed piglets: 5
Total exploded piglets: 4
No injury flips, we each scored 1 scrip from the event and 1 scrip from the battle. 
Joe successfully completes one step in his bounty. 


1.  We both chose Assassinate and Murder Protege and we both failed to score a single point for either. I just had to kill Poopy to score both mine but after Joe revealed Whiskey Pete as his target, and he had that big ball of brilliance tossing fools in the middle of the table, I didn't think there was any way I could kill it before the Golem died. I'd pretty much written this off as a loss right then and decided to focus on the Strat & keeping the Golem alive. 

2.  Summoning pigs was a blast!  I was so happy it worked and I really didn't think I'd be able to pull it off that much especially when one of the Taxidermists died so early. They didn't kill anything but weakened Joe's crew a lot and tied up quite a few models allowing me to score Reconnoiter. 

3.  Joseph Turn Four Turtle Barber the First of His Name would probably have won or at the least tied me if not for that critical timing error. 

4.  Even though the game was super low scoring and we hardly earned any scrip at all, I had a blast today and it proved again how much variety is built into this game. 

5.  I like Joe's crew a lot. Looks like they are pretty fun to play and that brilliance crap works really well. 

Thanks for reading, sorry I rambled on!

Week 1: MC Hammer and the Pyros vs Feed Me Seymour

Hello gentlemen and welcome to another Malibreaux's battle report.  I know what you are thinking, "darn it, Brody is writing another battle report?!"  Don't worry, it isn't as bad as you think...

We flip normal deployment and squatters right for the strat.
Our scheme options were
Make them suffer, assassinate, take prisoner, protect territory, and line in the sand.
No schemes are revealed, but we each took assassinate, Joe took make them suffer, and I took take prisoner.

One of my mages could come to the fight because of a previous issue, so I fielded 29ss of models and got a 7 ss cache.
Joe originally tried to bring his cheater crew, but remembered as he was setting up that he had to swap an illuminated for a different cheaper mode.  It was a clever trick, because I had written down the model he swapped out as the target of Take prisoner. I realized the issue in turn 2 and swapped targets.

One of the mottos of Malifaux is "bad things will happen" and that was very true in this game.  The black joker was a big player.

Turn 1 was mostly positioning.  I used the captains push ability to get one of my mages into base contact with a squat marker.

Turn 2, Joe wins activation and moves up to melee with my mage, denying him the option of interacting with the marker.  The mage dodges most of the damage however.  I charge the captain into the fight and get 2 solid hits against me smiley face.  My mage activated and pinged the his leader for 2 damage.  He spends a SS to damage prevent, and flips the black joker.  His leader dies!  flips the squat marker with his 2nd.  I also get 3 VP for assasinate. Joe gets some solid hits in on the captain to get him down to 2 wounds left, but he makes it through the round.  My gunsmith flips another squat marker and I end the turn up 4-0.  Runaway victory!

Turn 3 sees joe pull the gunsmith into a tar pit and take a swing at the captain.  I flip the black joker on defense, letting JoJo cheat the damage and hit for 5 damage.  Only a red joker on the damage prevention flip would have saved him, and I had the red joker in my hand, so the captain is dead!  JoJo flips assassinate and scores 3 VP.  We trade a little more damage getting a couple models down, but not out.  
The guild guards throw 3 damage onto one of my mages, but don't do much else. I score another point for squatters rights
Brody - 5, Joe - 3

Turn 4 has Joe kill my gunsmith, which will give him 1 VP each turn for Make then suffer since he was my only minion.  Before he dies though, he kills joes depleted.  I kill a beckoner and Joe kills a mage.  No injuries for any of those guys. I get squatters rights, JJB gets make them suffer.  Joe takes a few hits from the guild guards, but nothing major.
Brody - 6, Joe - 4

Turn 5.  At this point, I have 1 mage left blocking the middle squat marker with 2 wounds left.   Joe has an illuminated in melee with the mage, and a beckoner off to the side.  I win initiative and go defensive stance.  We did have a funny exchange where I tried to take a walk action with the mage:  Joe made the disengaging strike.  I flipped a 2, he flipped a 10.  I declined to cheat, and Joe cheated in a 1 (he wanted to me leave the marker).  sadly, the 1 made joes attack a 7, and the 2 made my defense a 7 as well, so he was unsuccessful in losing the duel!  Joe tries to kill the mage with the beckoner but wife.  He then takes a swing with the illuminated.  I have cards in my hand to keep the mage alive, but another black joker shows up.  Down goes the mage, and suffers an injury to boot.  Joe flips the marker with his second AP, denying me a VP.  He scores another point for make them suffer.
Brody - 6, Joe -5

Joe flips for game end, and turns a 9.  My forces eek out the victory, as Joe would have gotten two easy VP had it gone another round.

We didn't kill any guild guards so no extra scrip.  Joe bought a bounty (can't remember which one) and one of my mages can no longer take interact actions.  I have a scary suspicion that is going to bit me in he arse at some point.

I love this game
Joe's crew is pretty fun.  I liked playing against them, and I bet he has fun with them.  Seem like they might have some nice tricks one he gets to know all their abilities.
My crew is still terrible, just really really lucky the first two games.  However I do have enough scrip now to buy all of those upgrades!  Woohoo

Week 1: MC Hammer and the Pyros vs Team Los Locos

Week 1 Setup

Because some of the weekly events require a little bit of research or setup, we like to do them a little in advance.  I flipped the Pit Fight event for week 1.  You play 1 mosh pit game where everybody takes 1 of their non-henchemen models and fights it out.  1st to die gets 3 scrip, last one standing gets 3 scrip, and you get 3 scrip everytime you kill somebody.  All 5 of us show up on Tuesday night, so we set up the match.  Chad has his Golem, Ty has his Strongarm Suit.  They are the two heavy hitters, as the rest of us have lower SS models (Ricky has the Lone Marshall, I have my Gunsmith, and Joe has an Illuminated).  We place our models and make our truces (I truce with Ricky, Joe truces with Ty).  Joe is the last one to place and sandwiches himself between Ty and Chad.  Chad immediately charges and gets the Illuminated down to just a few hitpoints.  I double move into range, and then before Joe even gets a chance to activate, Ty breaks their truce and kills him.  3 scrip for Ty, 3 scrip for Joe (and a decent insight into the type of non-trustworthy hooligan Ty is).
Ricky and I manage to stay out of harms way as the two heavy hitters wail on each other.  Chad finally kills the Strongarm Suit for 3 scrip, but is very low on health.  I swoop in and pick up the easy kill for 3 scrip myself.  And Ricky finishes me off for a total of 6 scrip.  It was an awesome event. very fun, although I imagine Joe would have enjoyed something else a bit more. 
After the game we flip for the 2nd weekly event (Pit Fight tells you to flip another result), and we get Guild Patrol (4 guild guards show up at the end  of round 2, and a peacekeeper follows if you kill all of them).

So it begins

Howdy everybody, and welcome to the blog for the Southlake Social Club's Malibreaux's Campaign.  I promise, that will be the last time I refer to it as that!

First, let me introduce the participants.
I am your humble host, Brody. Along for the fun are Ricky, Joe, Chad, and Ty.  We are a group of 35-45 year old gentlemen who meet up weekly for gaming and at other random times for various shenanigans.  Between the 5 of us, I would estimate that we have between 80 and 100 games of Malifaux (as of the start of the campaign, Ty has played just once, while I have played 30+ times).

So with all of that business out of the way, some of the rules of the campaign.
We are using the rules published in the Shifting Loyalties book.  The general idea is that you start with a faction, and a henchmen as your leader.  You get "scrip" for doing various things, and that scrip allows you to bring models/upgrades/skills/etc into your arsenal.  When playing a game, you can only hire out of your arsenal.
We adopted a few of the variant rules listed there, such as Cut em up for parts (allows you to sacrifice a model out of your arsenal for 1/2 scrip) and the Good Doctor (allows you to pay to have a chance to annihilate an injury).
In addition, we have made some house rules.  The first is the battle report.  If you win a game (or tie and win the post game flip), you have to write a timely battle report.  Timely generally means within 24 hours, but at about the 10 hour mark, Chad gets fiesty and starts sending threatening emails.
The second, is titles.  We originally were going to track various things (most injuries, worst flips, etc) and give titles out for that, but Chad came up with a better way.  If you write a battle report, you get to give 1 title in your battle report.  You can either give one to yourself or your opponent.  These titles remain throughout the campaign, and you must use them in future battle reports as well.  Hopefully by the end of the campaign we will all have an insanely long string of titles.
Our campaign is set for 6 campaign weeks, where each "week" is actually 2 real life weeks.  We are all good buddies, so our games tend to be more lighthearted and less strict.  And we don't have the best memories, so we might get some stuff wrong in our battle reports.  Ce la vie!
I will be re-posting the battle reports here for your enjoyment, as well as adding commentary to flesh out anything that doesn't make sense.

And now for the initial arsenals (spend up to 35 SS)

Brody will be playing Arcanists.
MC Hammer and the Pyros - The Captain, Oxfordian Mages x3, Gunsmith, and Blood Ward

Chad will be rolling out the Gremlins
Trixie's Team TnA (Taxidermy and Alcohol) - Trixibelle, Whiskey Golem, Gremlin Taxidermist x2, Stuffed Piglet, and a Gun for a Lady

JojoBear brings the Neverborn
Feed Me Seymour - The Hungering Darkness, The Illuminated x2, Beckoner, The Depleted. and Addict

Ricky has his normal Guild
Los Locos - Francisco Ortega, Nino Ortega, Papa Loco, The Lone Marshall, Brutal Effigy, and Hair Trigger

And Ty is excited to field a fully painted set of Outcasts (your welcome!)
The Nervous Nellies - Hannah, Freikorpsmann, Strongarm Suit, Student of Conflict, Katrina, and Spoils of War

I think we can all agree that Chad wins the naming game, and by a pretty wide margin.