Tuesday, October 25, 2016

So it begins

Howdy everybody, and welcome to the blog for the Southlake Social Club's Malibreaux's Campaign.  I promise, that will be the last time I refer to it as that!

First, let me introduce the participants.
I am your humble host, Brody. Along for the fun are Ricky, Joe, Chad, and Ty.  We are a group of 35-45 year old gentlemen who meet up weekly for gaming and at other random times for various shenanigans.  Between the 5 of us, I would estimate that we have between 80 and 100 games of Malifaux (as of the start of the campaign, Ty has played just once, while I have played 30+ times).

So with all of that business out of the way, some of the rules of the campaign.
We are using the rules published in the Shifting Loyalties book.  The general idea is that you start with a faction, and a henchmen as your leader.  You get "scrip" for doing various things, and that scrip allows you to bring models/upgrades/skills/etc into your arsenal.  When playing a game, you can only hire out of your arsenal.
We adopted a few of the variant rules listed there, such as Cut em up for parts (allows you to sacrifice a model out of your arsenal for 1/2 scrip) and the Good Doctor (allows you to pay to have a chance to annihilate an injury).
In addition, we have made some house rules.  The first is the battle report.  If you win a game (or tie and win the post game flip), you have to write a timely battle report.  Timely generally means within 24 hours, but at about the 10 hour mark, Chad gets fiesty and starts sending threatening emails.
The second, is titles.  We originally were going to track various things (most injuries, worst flips, etc) and give titles out for that, but Chad came up with a better way.  If you write a battle report, you get to give 1 title in your battle report.  You can either give one to yourself or your opponent.  These titles remain throughout the campaign, and you must use them in future battle reports as well.  Hopefully by the end of the campaign we will all have an insanely long string of titles.
Our campaign is set for 6 campaign weeks, where each "week" is actually 2 real life weeks.  We are all good buddies, so our games tend to be more lighthearted and less strict.  And we don't have the best memories, so we might get some stuff wrong in our battle reports.  Ce la vie!
I will be re-posting the battle reports here for your enjoyment, as well as adding commentary to flesh out anything that doesn't make sense.

And now for the initial arsenals (spend up to 35 SS)

Brody will be playing Arcanists.
MC Hammer and the Pyros - The Captain, Oxfordian Mages x3, Gunsmith, and Blood Ward

Chad will be rolling out the Gremlins
Trixie's Team TnA (Taxidermy and Alcohol) - Trixibelle, Whiskey Golem, Gremlin Taxidermist x2, Stuffed Piglet, and a Gun for a Lady

JojoBear brings the Neverborn
Feed Me Seymour - The Hungering Darkness, The Illuminated x2, Beckoner, The Depleted. and Addict

Ricky has his normal Guild
Los Locos - Francisco Ortega, Nino Ortega, Papa Loco, The Lone Marshall, Brutal Effigy, and Hair Trigger

And Ty is excited to field a fully painted set of Outcasts (your welcome!)
The Nervous Nellies - Hannah, Freikorpsmann, Strongarm Suit, Student of Conflict, Katrina, and Spoils of War

I think we can all agree that Chad wins the naming game, and by a pretty wide margin.

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